Sunday, March 13, 2011

Do Men Love Bitches???

If you’ve had a relationship where you’ve done all you can to do right by your man, and things still didn’t go as planned… the first phrase that’s more likely to come out of your mouth will probably be “Well men love bitches.” Because a book titled that very same phrase can be found in your local book stores, women feel inclined to think that yes, men do love bitches.
When I asked a few men their thoughts on whether they would date a bitch or not, funny enough I found that men who hold high professional positions such as financiers and attorneys tend to be attracted to the domineering sort of female who carries the title of a “bitch.” Are these relationships the healthiest? Not so much. These men are looking to fill a certain kind of role in their lives. These are men that are socially considered strong, yet undercover, enjoy the emasculating process… hence their love for “The Bitch.”
Men who are secure with themselves, seemed to be attracted to the kind of women who has no problem being herself. The kind of women that can stand independently. The woman that chooses to be with them, but doesn’t need them.
A few weeks back, I mentioned that men are predators in search of their preys. Therefore if a woman is confident and realizes that she doesn’t need the man… he will be more inclined to want that prey versus any other.
As stated by Doménico Cieri Estrada, “To know when to go away and when to come closer is the key to any lasting relationship”. So whether you’re the no non-sense kinda women, or the wholesome type that’ll ride out a situation, or the one foot in-one foot out till your sure kind of chick, don’t try faking the funk. Be true to who you are, and remain independent so you can gage when to go away or come closer. Mr. Right will love, accept and cherish you for you. With Mr. Right now you’ll have to put up a front, and in the end, the truth always comes out.


  1. Great post, Ozzy.

    I actually read this book. It was funny...but nothing I didn't already know. The word "bitch" in today's society in reference to women is defined differently from its context 30 years ago. Back then, it implied a woman who is shrewish and calculating, someone who doesn't really have any regard for anyone's feelings but her own. In today's world, it's more focused on a self empowered, independent attitude of a woman who is not afraid to ask for what she wants. The guy I'm seeing right now said to me the other day, "I love when you get bitchy." It took me aback for a bit, so of course I had to call him on it :) He said that what gets him the most (besides my obvious good looks...*wink*) is that I'm not afraid to challenge him and speak my mind. Of course, we as women can't be like this all the time. There's a delicate balance between maintaining our feminine vulnerability ("Sweetheart, can you open this for me?") and our independence ("Thanks for the offer, hun, but I've got it!") to keep ourselves attractive. The bottom line is this: Men's egos are REALLY fragile. If we constantly feel the need to take them down a peg or two, they might like it at first, but eventually it's gonna push them away...and often, right into the arms of another woman. Chest thumpers as they are, men like to be needed every now and again. And even though we are capable of bringing life into the world, sometimes it's ok for us women to let them take the lead from time to time.

  2. Timing is everything when it comes to having a healthy and lasting relationship. Both women and men have to be emotionally available. Bitch or not, it all depends on the man's preference. Like our blogger mentions, it's important to just be yourself.

  3. Ms. May - great article! As many know I have been known to attract the species animalus bitchus to myself once or twice, usually originating from Latin America... but I digress... You see, a good man with a bad bitch is like Neville Chamberlain hanging out with Hitler - one believes in diplomancy, the other is in a constant state of preparing for war and strategizing a genocide of your manhood (as you quite rightly pointed out)... By the time we realized the Non-Aggression Treaty we signed means nothing to her... Well, it is too late to fight back and our minds, as well as our bodies, are destroyed... thus, four years later, after our man battles with the bitch, we refuse to interact with others and remain an isolated nation! HELP! ;)

  4. I'm sorry but men who like bitches are bitches themselves. No self respecting man who wants to be the leader of his relationship and has any pride wants an annoying bitch telling him what to do and giving him a hard time. The way a man handles a woman in his relationship has alot to do with how he was raised and how his mother treated/raised him as a child. Now if a mother or mother figure was not present during childhood that holds a big factor as well. I noticed that mothers who gave more attention/love to their child and were not working moms, their sons as adults grew to want and yourn for a woman they can love and have a relationship with. While working moms who were not around as much for their child, I noticed their sons grew up to want casual encounters and one night stand type mentalities with no attatchment. Although this may sound a bit off topic maybe the men who might want the "bitch" type may have had issues as a child growing up and their mom's treatment towards them.
